What we believe

We believe that human kind is hopelessly sinful and disobedient towards God. The result of this sin and disobedience is separation from God. The only one able to restore the relationship between humankind and God is God Himself. God has chosen to make this restoration possible through providing His own Son, Jesus Christ, who came willingly to earth, lived a perfect life fulfilling the law, and gave Himself up to die on the cross for humankind thereby taking the punishment for their sins on Himself.

The Bible teaches that one must put their trust and faith in Jesus in order to receive the gift of salvation and to have a restored relationship with God. For those who trust in Jesus, they will enjoy the full rewards of a restored relation in eternity as they dwell with God and delight in Him. Jesus made it clear that those who follow Him are to declare the message of salvation through Him to the world and teach (disciple to maturity) those who chose to follow Him.